Text Files - Section 2 - Hacking & Security

The Security Text
Unix Security Checklist
Linux Security FAQ
UNIX Security Check
Why Crypto is Harder Then it Looks
PGP 5 Tips
What is PGP?
Defense Data Network Blues
Securing DNS (OpenBSD/FreeBSD Version)
Intrusion Detection within a Secured Network
Common System Intrusion Methods
Investigating an Attempted Intrusion
Security holes manifest themselves in (broadly) four ways...
Serious security holes in Web anonymizing services
security texts #1 - Improve your website's security.
#2 - Determine if your site has been broken into.
#3 - Internet Risks and Attacks - General overview
#4 - Protecting your mailbox from spam and mailbombs.
#5 - Information about Internet Daemons.
#6 - Information on IP Spoofing.
#7 - Protecting your passwords from unwanted eyes.
#8 - Information on the sendmail bug.
#9 - Stalking the wiley hacker.
#10 - Tips on improving your security.
#11 - TCP port stealth scanning. Improving security(tips)
#12 - UNIX backdoor
#13 - Information on crackers and admins
#14 - the ultimate sendmail hole listing
#15 - UNIX system security issues
#16 - Web spoofing tutorial
few security tips (anti phf,cgi-bin scan ...)
Solaris security FAQ

WARNING! READ CAREFULLY! This cd-rom contains information and tools that can be used to exploit computer and network security. The primary purpose of this CD-ROM is to aid security professionals in combating the tools and techniques used by malicious hackers. Under no circumstances should this CD-ROM be used to illegally circumvent computer or network security.